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Helen Bradley - MS Office Tips, Tricks and Tutorials

I'm a lifestyle journalist and I've been writing about office productivity software for a long time. Here you'll find handy hints, tips, tricks, techniques and tutorials on using software as diverse as Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access and Publisher from Microsoft and other applications that I love. My publishing credits include PC Magazine, Windows XP mag, CNet, PC User mag,, Winplanet and Sydney Morning Herald.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Excel 2007 makes Lovely Lists

Lists were a big addition to Excel 2003 as they allowed you to work with list data in Excel more easily than ever before. One key plus was that they let you create charts that expanded automatically as the data in the list grew. This was something you simply couldn't do before very easily.

Now in Excel 2007 lists are called tables and they are simple to create using the Format As Table option on the Home tab on the Ribbon. One gotcha is that you shouldn't use a table format if you don't want to create a list, instead use the much more cumbersome and much less pretty Cell Styles options.

When you create a list you automatically get Filter buttons for the list. If you don't like or want them, disable them by clicking to disable the Filter button on the Data tab - just make sure your cell pointer is somewhere in the list when you do this. Like in Excel 2003, if you create a chart based on your table, it expands when you add new data to it.

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Thursday, April 5, 2007

Don’t you hate it when you know there’s something wrong but you can’t exactly put your finger on what is happening?

Try this, filter a list in Excel and write an =sum function at the foot of the list to sum the visible data. So far so good? Well, try checking that sum manually – do you still feel confident? Worse still, if you’re using Excel, try to filter the numbers in the column containing the Sum formula and watch as Excel chews up your formula – yikes!

You see, =SUM just doesn’t work on filtered lists. Instead, you have to use SUBTOTAL. Of course, there’s a simpler way. Use the AutoSum button on the Excel toolbar to create your formula and it does the sensible thing and writes a SUBTOTAL function for you. Now, when you filter the data it sums only visible values and it never gets swallowed up.

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