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Helen Bradley - MS Office Tips, Tricks and Tutorials

I'm a lifestyle journalist and I've been writing about office productivity software for a long time. Here you'll find handy hints, tips, tricks, techniques and tutorials on using software as diverse as Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access and Publisher from Microsoft and other applications that I love. My publishing credits include PC Magazine, Windows XP mag, CNet, PC User mag,, Winplanet and Sydney Morning Herald.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

15 ways to size a Tweet to 140 characters

If you're a twitterer you know Twitter gives you only 140 characters to get your message across. So you have to be short and sweet - but not so much so that no one gets your message.

Lance Ulanoff editor of PC Mag (an organisation I have had a long and very happy association with as a Contributing Editor to the mag), has a great post 14 Tricks for making 140 character Tweets.. to which I am going to add my 15th!

What are you trying to say?
Focus on what you are trying to say first and add descriptive extras later. I do a lot of posts mentioning cool free Photoshop brushes so I put Free Photoshop brushes first in my post as that's the most important part. Then I briefly describe the set so folks know if it might be of interest to them and finally I'll add a tinyurl link.

I know there are other link shortening services like the that Lance mentions but, personally, I've had problems with using links created by just about every service except TinyURL - somehow, TinyURL has never let me down. I prefer to use up a few extra characters and stick with what works.

I also assume that folks know that if I'm putting up a link to free brushes that the brushes are worthy of notice, but sometimes I can't help myself so I add that I like them. In future I'll be putting in place Lance's suggestion to do ME:They Rock type additions... ME: I think that suggestion rocks!

I'm also always stripping out extra spaces and full stops when I post. I'm a big fan of using ellipsis... if you haven't noticed but on Twitter they just gobble up precious space. Instead I use dashes between words-they still give me the change of pace I need but don't take up any more space than a space would.

As for one of Lance's suggestions that you remove unnecessary vowels, I'm reluctant to misspell words by removing vowels. I am a little old school here and I prefer to spell correctly - it's all about my brand - I pride myself on accuracy - technical and otherwise so I never want my tweets to go out in a way that might have someone look at them and think I don't know how to spell or that I'm careless about accuracy. That said, this is my pet peeve - you make your own choices!

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