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Free Steampunk Brushes for Photoshop and Photoshop Elements

I totally love brushes and I recently dumped out a handful of watch parts, scanned them and created them as brushes. The images are semitransparent so if you want intense colour, click multiple times without moving your cursor.

There are 22 brushes in the set and they range in size from 658 to 2405 pixels in size. There are gears with big holes and small and some funky metal pieces.

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steampunk free brush set




Licence information:
These brushes are free to use for non commercial purposes. That means you can use them for your own personal projects but you are not permitted to make money from them or any derivative work and you may not give them or any derivative work away.

You may not host the brushes on your website or any other site for download - this is expressly prohibited in all circumstances (personal or commercial). All downloads must be facilitated from this page.

Low cost commercial licences are available - email me at for details.



(c) 2019, Helen Bradley, All Rights Reserved.